Here I sit, at my computer, Friday, shaking my head, asking myself, how do I get myself roped into these things? Why can I just not say "no". How come I can't be more like the women who often say "no, to me, with no hang- ups.
"I am sorry that just won't work for my schedule, I have to make dinner."
Usually, with some empty-headed excuse that could be accomplished within 10 minutes. Why can't I clear up my schedule like these women? I mean we all have our priorities! Aren't my priorities my children and my husband? I aspire to be one of those mothers whose house is tidy at all times of the day, the laundry always folded and in drawers, not stacked in laundry baskets and dinner waiting beautifully on the table, while I look so put together for the day.
I do get tired of saying "not right now, I have to finish the 6 page newsletter for your school before tomorrow." Well this was one of those weeks. The ones where you are out of milk and you just don't have time to go to the store for four days, because other priorities take precedence. This was the week, where my kids and I had In N Out 3 nights out of the 5, because we were in the car 4 out of the 6 hours they are home from school. (Monday thru Thursday we cover 12 hours of soccer practice.)This was the week, "The Reflections" for the school had to be inventoried, categorized,labeled, filled out, invited to,judged etc.. This was also the week the 6 page newsletter was created, copied, folded, stuffed for 1,265 students. (Copies alone took me 5 hours, with the high tech duplo machine at our school.) This was the week the embroidery stack waited so patiently for me to finish.
This was the week the house, the laundry and the dinner were sacrificed ( and I mean sacrificed) for me to do those things that I just can't say "No" to. (Of course it makes it easier when Erik is out of town, and can't see any of it. I do scramble the day he comes home so he thinks everything is just as perfect as he left it. He has no idea!)
So, am I complaining? Yes it sounds as if I am complaining. But deep down inside, in a place I have to dig deep to find, to come to the realization and confess to myself, I ENJOY the weeks like these.... I said it, something about my warped personality actually enjoys being spun out in every direction.
These things that I say yes to, they allow me to create. I am a creator and I need to create to feel appreciated. I have this inner gravity that attracts my physical well-being to CREATE!!! Whether I am creating something so simple as a new hairstyle to my 9 year-olds hair or just adding different fonts to a newsletter, it is all boils down to my artistic potential.
Yes, you may be one, who knows exactly what I am talking about!! Those relaxing weeks where you have no demands, where you could sit back, unwind, read a book, go to lunch with a friend, get a pedicure. Those are the weeks that I am pulling new jobs down from the craft cupboard,finding new things create.
So next time I go to complain, remind me I do this for my internal preservation!